Toddler Waddler
12 – 24 Months
During the first two years of life, a child’s development is rapid and encompasses a wide range of skills such as walking, talking, social interaction and exploration of the environment. The level of attention, support and encouragement provided during this period greatly affects the rate at which they acquire language, develop social skills and overall health and well-being.
In this classroom, your child will have the opportunity to experience:
- Room to run, play and explore
- Develop fine motor skills
- Group time activities
- Experiencing outdoor motor skills
We look forward to helping your child grow and develop. From 12-24 months, your child will achieve many milestones. Language skills will increase, the desire for independence will begin and social skills will develop. Be prepared for some ups and downs during this time of your child’s life… they are normal!
The activities we plan each day encompass quite a variety to meet your child’s needs and development. We go outside each day (weather permitting) so please dress your child accordingly. No laced shoes or boots. Only Velcro is permitted, and socks and sneakers are a must each day. A pair of fitted, hard soled slippers are also needed for indoor play. These will be kept here in your child’s cubby. Your child will also need an art smock, small pillow and blanket, full change of clothes, diapers and wipes, along with a fitted sheet for their cot. All these items will be kept in your child’s cubby as well. A book bag and folder are necessary to transport art work & soiled clothing. It also helps your child feel important to carry it! Please remember that book bags are within the reach of children. Do not send anything that may be harmful such as medications, food or small items that can be a choking hazard. All medications, diaper creams, ointments must be labeled and handed to the teacher. All medications must be accompanied by a physician form. Please ask if you should need one of these forms.
When ready our child will begin drinking from a small cup. They are also encouraged to use eating utensil (spoon & fork). We ask that you do the same at home. All Children under two years of age will still be served whole milk. A specially prepared monthly menu is served to the children and is posted in the hall for your viewing. We also practice table manners, and sometimes we have family style meals where the children pass the bowls of food and prepare their own plate!
Diapers are checked &/or changed approximately every two hours or more as needed. Generally after breakfast, after lunch, after naps and then again around 4:30. Please, always bring your child to care in a clean diaper.
Please avoid carrying your child to class. Encourage him/her to walk while holding your hand. Allow your child time to remove his/her own shoes or coat. This age loves independence! Read your child’s daily activities, and get involved with your child’s education now! You will have the ability to message your child’s teacher throughout the day as well as get messages from them regarding any supplies your child needs. Please view our bulletin board regularly and read our monthly newsletter for Day Care information. These are posted here, and a copy is hanging on our bulletin board as well. If you ever have any questions, concerns, compliments or complaints, we want to hear from you! Feel free to discuss anything with the teachers or directors at any time.